- Be There - being emotionally present for people, giving them your full focus, actively listening without judgement
- Play - tapping into your creative side to make otherwise mundane tasks more enjoyable, bringing a more playful and curious attitude to everyday life
- Make Their Day - finding meaningful encounters with everyone you come into contact with, giving others a reason to smile with a lasting impression
- Choose Your Attitude - accepting that you choose your thoughts which in turn impact how you act, making a conscious effort to take responsibility for how you respond to others and life in general
I just had a chance to attend one of the daylong FISH! workshops at Stone Tree in Owen Sound. After getting past the mere coincidence of being the only male in the class, I was able to comfortably settle in for an enriching exploration of self-awareness through a series of interactive discussions, fun games and powerful videos. Our fearless leader was the very motivational and inspirational Deb Fawcett, also known as The FISH! Lady.
Like many attending the workshop, my pre-conceived notion was that FISH! must be an acronym for something. But in actual fact, the title is derived from the origins of the philosophy. Deb showed us the story of a group of guys working long and gruelling hours at Pikes Place, a fish market in Seattle. With the business on the verge of bankruptcy and staff morale at an all-time low, the owner gathered his troops for a last ditch effort at brainstorming a new vision. When one of the workers made the seemingly ridiculous suggestion, “let’s become world famous”, the team came together in an exceptional way. The wheels set into motion and the doomed fish market transformed into a vibrant and fun atmosphere like none you’ve ever seen. The workers have since become famous for their crazy antics and good-humoured rapport amongst themselves and with their customers. Quite simply, they learned how to ‘show up’ and adapt a bulletproof positive attitude regardless of their long and physically demanding hours on the job.
Whether you’re behind the cash at the fish market or sitting in the executive chair, The FISH! Philosophy can be applied. To learn more, visit http://www.itf.ca/.
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