Monday, January 4, 2010

My Official Inbloguration

For the record, I have never before owned my own blog. That is unless of course, Facebook status updates now qualify. But to be honest, I would not classify myself as your typical social media aficionado. It just doesn’t excite me, especially now that the novelty has all but worn off.

So why is it that I feel a surge of excitement as I sit here blogging for the first time? The answer is simple… There is a new force in the community to be reckoned with called, and I am privileged to be an integral part of its development and operation.

I have known and respected founders Julie and Dan for some time. They hold the qualities of business that mean the most to me… collaboration, innovation, marketing expertise (lots of it), tireless work ethic, the tendency towards proactive rather than reactive… I could go on but they might blush when they read this. The idea of yours truly getting involved in their venture into the realm of the Scenic City came about one day in casual conversation a mere few months ago. Given my background in other media (radio and TV specifically), it seemed like a no-brainer. And it didn’t hurt being married to another experienced media type who also has a knack for doing more than what is required when it comes to getting the job done. This is her adventure too.

Suffice it to say, my wife and I were both tempted by the opportunity of testing the waters in the very new and uncharted online media universe. The immediacy of the Internet has arguably surpassed those other media outlets. And you can rest assured that will operate in a mode of immediacy like its sister site just down Highway 26 in the not-too-distant east.

I look forward to frequenting the countless local events, meeting many new and familiar faces in our area, and telling you all about it right here on Sound Bytes.

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