Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Businesses Buck the Trend

Now that terms such as ‘H1N1’ and ‘economic downturn’ have been all but replaced by something new to panic about, let’s take a brief moment to recognize the fact that we beat the odds and made it through. Yes, some of us got the short end of the ‘sick stick’ more than others and certain businesses had greater struggles than the competition. But for many in the Owen Sound area, the fear of swine flu quickly diminished after a simple vaccination. And as for our economy, some exciting new business start-ups were a sure sign that the community itself just might have received its own injection.

Thankfully, I can say that my family has been fortunate enough to steer clear of the flu. So I am going to zero in on the much talked about recession for a moment. I could never have guessed that I’d be starting off the new decade as a partner in a small business. But here I am and I’m as excited as ever. I know that will be a success. Our sister site has a track record to prove this, even during the tough economy.

But as I look around at others, I see a resurgence and new energy when it comes to budding young entrepreneurs. As an example… The Meaford & District Chamber of Commerce hosted its Dragons’ Den Meaford event a few months ago and helped spawn at least two new local businesses in the process. Meanwhile, the community is fully engaged in a new strategy for economic development and the Chamber is gearing up to celebrate business excellence at its Community Awards Dinner & Presentation on March 27th. Check out for details and online nominations. There are lots of reasons to nominate and celebrate in 2010, so go for it.

A similar energy is happening in Owen Sound. The City is going through a rebranding initiative to capture the 'essence of Owen Sound' and engaging residents in the process. Participate at this link… Mayor Ruth Lovell-Stanners will no doubt fill us in on the survey and the many exciting plans underway to rejuvenate the local economy at the annual Mayor’s Luncheon on February 19th. Hosted once again by the Owen Sound & District Chamber of Commerce, find out how to register at

In conclusion, it’s encouraging to see how our region as a whole has responded to what was being perceived as a crisis less than a short year ago. I do not for a second discount the many challenges still facing our local businesses. But I’d like to believe that the start of a new decade is symbolic of the dawn of a new age and that we’re well equipped to rise to the occasion.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Spring Break in Winter

After a frigid 2010 kick off, a pleasantly surprising ‘January spring’ graced our area this past week. The weekend presented a perfect opportunity for our family to unwind outdoors for a change. That’s not to say that the chill of winter usually keeps us in hibernation. But like many others who prefer summer sun to shivering winter, milder temperatures give us more of an incentive to get out and fully engage in those winter activities.

With the temp just right, Harrison Park was well worth the trip. When we arrived on the scene, it was exciting to see such an active crowd of kids both young and old recreating the NHL (or should we say Owen Sound Attack) on the outdoor Good Cheer Rink. After a brief look at the action, we proceeded to the adjacent playground where our daughter went for a joyride on the baby swing. Park officials need not worry… she’s only 19 months. Here’s where I put in a plug for those responsible for maintaining the premises. It is nice to have a spot in our community where we can take our daughter to play in mid-January without the hassle of climbing over snow banks or slipping on ice.

Our next stop was the ducks. With a full bag of stale bread in tow, we were ready for a feeding frenzy. But as anticipated, many other families had the same idea and the ducks loved every minute and every crumb of it.

Harrison Park on a not so cold winter’s day has our vote. However, when the reality check of freezing temperatures sets in again, we will be well prepared. Extra layers are in order for the 2010 Tim Hortons Georgian Cup Snowcross event at Victoria Park during the weekend of January 30th and 31st. The competition was originally scheduled to run earlier, but the organizers were forward thinking enough to postpone. So let’s all wish for more snow and more mild weather as we welcome thousands of spectators and snowmobile enthusiasts to our region.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Goodbye 2000's, 10's, Whatever... Bring On the Teens?

Days before 2010 made its arrival, an interesting question began to nag me... Am I the only one who recognizes that a brand new decade is about to begin? When I casually brought up this sobering fact to those around me, the popular responses were a half-hearted 'really?' or borderline disinterested 'oh yeah'. To be honest, the less than enthusiastic reactions were anything but surprising to me and actually served to further prove a theory I came up with earlier in the now departed Y2K's... The first decade of the 2000's suffered from a lack of identity unlike the heavily stereotyped 90's, 80's, 70's, 60's, etc. that came before it.

Following the inauguration of Y2K, I sat back, watched and listened for the adoption of some universally accepted term that would define the first decade of the 21st century. The baby was never named. Maybe that explains why I have a harder time these days determining whether an event, blockbuster movie or music artist's CD release happened in 2003 or 2005. It could be my age. But I would rather place a bet on the fact that the new age of mass media and info overload has enabled each year to roll into the next enveloped in a consciousness similar to that of an impulsive and easily distracted toddler. Let's face it... The untitled decade just passed could have been called the Fast Foodies. New technology developed so quickly that the term 'high speed' could be the greatest understatement of all time. It was all about 'out with the old and in with the new RIGHT NOW' in terms of any technological advances. Reality television reigned supreme, especially the programs that offered glitz and hype over educational value. And don't even get me started on the bulk of popular music. But rather than namecalling the nameless decade a 'wasted decade', why don't we be fair and say that what we lacked in the arts we made up for in technological brilliance.

So as we start again, my question remains the same as almost a decade ago... Will the next 10 distinctly stand apart from those just laid to rest? Do we need to wait until the '20's for a stronger sense of chronological identity? Does it matter? I leave you with some words of caution... Should we decide that we are now entering the Teens, remember how trying those adolescent years can be. Of course, they can also be a time of great inspiration and new awareness.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My Official Inbloguration

For the record, I have never before owned my own blog. That is unless of course, Facebook status updates now qualify. But to be honest, I would not classify myself as your typical social media aficionado. It just doesn’t excite me, especially now that the novelty has all but worn off.

So why is it that I feel a surge of excitement as I sit here blogging for the first time? The answer is simple… There is a new force in the community to be reckoned with called, and I am privileged to be an integral part of its development and operation.

I have known and respected founders Julie and Dan for some time. They hold the qualities of business that mean the most to me… collaboration, innovation, marketing expertise (lots of it), tireless work ethic, the tendency towards proactive rather than reactive… I could go on but they might blush when they read this. The idea of yours truly getting involved in their venture into the realm of the Scenic City came about one day in casual conversation a mere few months ago. Given my background in other media (radio and TV specifically), it seemed like a no-brainer. And it didn’t hurt being married to another experienced media type who also has a knack for doing more than what is required when it comes to getting the job done. This is her adventure too.

Suffice it to say, my wife and I were both tempted by the opportunity of testing the waters in the very new and uncharted online media universe. The immediacy of the Internet has arguably surpassed those other media outlets. And you can rest assured that will operate in a mode of immediacy like its sister site just down Highway 26 in the not-too-distant east.

I look forward to frequenting the countless local events, meeting many new and familiar faces in our area, and telling you all about it right here on Sound Bytes.