Monday, August 15, 2011

3rd Annual Owen Sound Parkinson SuperWalk

WHO: Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario

WHAT: 3rd Annual Parkinson SuperWalk

WHERE: Grey Sauble Conservation, 237897 Inglis Falls Road, R.R. #4, Owen Sound, Ontario

WHEN: Sunday, September 11th
Registration 1pm, Walk Start Time 2pm

WHY: An estimated 100,000 Canadians have Parkinson’s and 400,000 family members are affected. In Toronto, an estimated 19,000 have Parkinson’s but with family and loved ones, 95,000 are affected by this brain disease for which there is no cure. Funds raised through Parkinson SuperWalk provide support, education and advocacy services for people living with Parkinson’s as well as funding research into the causes and treatment of Parkinson’s.

MORE: Visit the Parkinson SuperWalk website