Monday, August 15, 2011

3rd Annual Owen Sound Parkinson SuperWalk

WHO: Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario

WHAT: 3rd Annual Parkinson SuperWalk

WHERE: Grey Sauble Conservation, 237897 Inglis Falls Road, R.R. #4, Owen Sound, Ontario

WHEN: Sunday, September 11th
Registration 1pm, Walk Start Time 2pm

WHY: An estimated 100,000 Canadians have Parkinson’s and 400,000 family members are affected. In Toronto, an estimated 19,000 have Parkinson’s but with family and loved ones, 95,000 are affected by this brain disease for which there is no cure. Funds raised through Parkinson SuperWalk provide support, education and advocacy services for people living with Parkinson’s as well as funding research into the causes and treatment of Parkinson’s.

MORE: Visit the Parkinson SuperWalk website

Monday, July 4, 2011


A ghost walk tour of Owen Sound that will chill your bones and send shivers down your spine is just around the corner. Learn of Owen Sound's deep dark past as you take a walk down the streets of old.

Tickets are $5 and must be purchased in advance, available from the Billy Bishop and Marine and Rail Museums. Starting location is indicated on each ticket. The entire ghost walk tour is approximately one hour in length. Ages 12+.

For more information please contact:

The Billy Bishop Museum, 519-371-0031


The Marine & Rail Museum, 519-371-3333

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Students Launch Poetry Collection

Reviving a project initiated by teachers decades ago, Spindrift 2011 has just been published. Everyone is invited to the official book launch on Monday, June 27th, 7pm at The Downtown Bookstore.

A team of student editors chose 40 poems to publish from schools across the district. OSCVI student Kelsea Martin created the cover art with additional painting by graduating student Jazmin Lihou.

Norah Phillips, teacher-librarian at OSCVI, co-ordinated the project. “Many students are interested in writing and publishing,” she said, “so we wanted to provide a forum for their unique voices.”

At a workshop for the student writers, poet and OSCVI graduate Meaghan Strimas (who herself was once published in Spindrift) said, “Give your brain a few minutes of peace -- turn off your phone, TV, computer, iPod. We are too busy these days. We are constantly entertained. Tune out for a bit!”

The project is supported by the Bluewater District School Board and the Ministry of Education’s SpeakUp grant. Plans are already underway for Spindrift 2012. “We plan to have more workshops next year with a greater focus on editing,” Phillips said.

For more information about the Spindrift project, click here.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Burger vs. Hot Dog

With the weather finally warming up, those tantalizing BBQ smells when you step outside are becoming more frequent. This isn't necessarily a good thing for those of us promising ourselves a more physically active and health conscious summer. The distraction is just a little unwelcome and unfair, to be honest!

But grilling season doesn't have to be a complete write-off. The occasional char-broiled guilty pleasure just has to be good for the soul, right? And you can offend while remaining true to your new found health awareness. A recent article on Yahoo does a calorie comparison between a burger on the BBQ and a similarly cooked hot dog. You be the judge and give yourself a break (or two) this summer! Read the article.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Distracted Drivers Beware!

Put away the cell and keep your focus on the road ahead! This week, the Ontario Provincial Police are on the look-out for distracted drivers. Officials are warning us to think twice before typing that text message or eating that burger while in transit as fines could be steep, and more importantly, safety jeopardized. Check out this link.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Scruff Theory

Is it a sure sign of the times or just mere coincidence that a difficult economic climate and scruffy men occur simultaneously? The 'scruff theory' implies that recession equals unshaven. Tom Allen, host of "Shift" on CBC Radio 2, explains his assumption in this intriguing article.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Going all the way!

The great thing about living so close to the Bayshore Community Centre is a night like this. You'd think a highly celebrated young couple just tied the knot in an evening ceremony with all those cars honking and passengers hollering in an endless procession of headlights along 3rd Avenue East. Yet this occasion is even rarer than a night wedding in Owen Sound... Our Attack have just been crowned the Western Conference champions in a Game 5 blow-out of the Windsor Spitfires, winning 10-4 in dramatic fashion. Memorial Cup, here we come! To think that some of us speculated in the not-so-distant past that the Attack would be putting away their hockey sticks before the post-season. Truth be told, this is the year many of us have dreamed of for so long. Should we secure just one more series win, one can only imagine the celebratory parade in the Sound. That's one photo op few of us will want to miss.

Follow the team on their playoff journey by visiting their website. Go, Attack, go!!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


If you had told anyone living in Owen Sound back in 1987 that INXS would one day headline a show at Kelso Beach Park, disbelief would have been the likely response.

Fast forward to 2011 where the reality of a concert featuring the Aussie not-so-new sensations is starting to sink in. With the line-up just announced for Big Music Fest 3 at Kelso Beach Park on July 2nd, the reincarnation of INXS featuring Canadian lead singer J.D. Fortune is poised to rock the Sound.

And there's more... Other acts include the reunited Tea Party, CanCon rock icon Kim Mitchell, Fefe Dobson, Theory Of A Deadman, rapper Classified and These Kids Wear Crowns.

Tickets cost $49.50 and can be purchased at Kelsey's in Owen Sound or click here.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Are you stressed??

April is stress awareness month and hence a time to give ourselves a personal check-up. How well do you handle life's challenges, both big and small? Do you take things in stride or are you a frenzied candidate for stress-related illness? Take this stress management test to get a reading on your own personal stress meter.

Click here to take the test.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dog Walk for Heart

On Sunday, April 10th, dogs and owners alike will gather in Owen Sound at the West Side Boat Launch and walk around the harbour trail ending at the Dog Park.

Reigning Cats & Dogs is sponsoring a Dog Walk for Heart, for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Heart health is important for both people and animals. Maybe you know a companion animal that has a heart condition and you would like to bring awareness to this issue. Support this walk with a pledge to a walker or take part yourself!

Pledge forms are available at Reigning Cats & Dogs (975 2nd Ave. East) in Owen Sound. Registration is at 10:30 and walk begins at 11am. For more information, call 519-470-DOGS (3647).

All dog participants will get a free treat!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Change your Clocks & Batteries

That time has arrived again. Thanks to the Owen Sound Fire & Emergency Services for the reminder...

On March 13, 2011 daylight savings time starts. Remember to 'spring ahead' an hour!

This is a great time to make sure that your home has working smoke alarms and conduct a fire drill. When you change your clocks make sure that all of your smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide alarms are working. Replace the batteries in your smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide alarms. If your smoke alarms or Carbon Monoxide alarms are not battery operated, test them to make sure they will work. Replace any alarms that are more than 10 years old.

The Owen Sound Fire & Emergency Services would like to remind you that smoke alarms are required on every level and outside each sleeping area. It is the law. Working smoke alarms save lives.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A reunion worth the wait?

Over the years, I've lost a lot of faith in the much-hyped yet anti-climactic reunions of legendary music acts. Take the first new Eagles studio album in a few decades that was released only a few years ago, for example. Artistically, it missed the mark of their 1970's sophisticated songwriting glory.

There are countless other disappointing attempts by bands coming together to rekindle the past that I could cite. But out of respect for the barely undead, they shall remain nameless.

When I recently heard that post-punk icons The Cars were joining the ranks of the reunited, something told me this might be different. Though the music industry has gone through many transformations since the group's last album in 1987, there is something about their synthesized-rock style that fits well in the modern era. Regular sound bytes (I've always wanted to use that term in a blog!) of new material started to show up on The Cars' Facebook page. And what I've heard to date sounds fresh and most welcome in a year so far littered with more boring formula techno-rap and teens going Gaga for Bieber.

The new CD titled, "Move Like This", comes out in May and features most of the original line-up. Check out the new video for the first single, "Blue Tip" by clicking here. It's a definite return to form.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Polar Bear Day

February 27th is International Polar Bear Day! It is a time to show your commitment to these magnificent animals and their threatened habitat by taking a meaningful step (or two) to reduce CO2.

Myths about Polar Bears:

Covering its nose. Dr. Ian Stirling and several assistants used telescopes to watch undisturbed polar bears hunting seals in the Canadian High Arctic, 24 hours a day when conditions permitted, in both spring and summer conditions, for several weeks each year for several years. They documented the details of many hundreds of hunts. No bear was ever seen putting a paw over its nose while stalking a seal. Nor have other polar bear biologists ever observed this behavior. Simply from a mechanical point of view, Stirling expresses puzzlement about just how a bear might walk, crawl, or stalk on three legs while holding its paw over its nose for an extended period since most stalks on the sea ice cover 50 to as much as 200 meters.

Left-pawed. Great white bears are not left-pawed. Scientists observing the animals haven't noticed a preference. In fact, polar bears seem to use their right and left paws equally.

Use of tools. Polar bears do not use tools, including blocks of ice, to kill their prey. Scientist Ian Stirling believes that this idea may have come about because, after failing to catch a seal, a frustrated and angry polar bear may kick the snow, slap the ground or hurl chunks of ice.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lupercalia is our 'palooza'

Evil spirits will be banished and Owen Sound purified this weekend! A special music festival featuring eight downtown venues and well over twenty performances is set to stir up some creative local song craft second to none. Move over Lollapalooza and make way for Lupercalia!

It's no secret that our area boasts a wealth of musical talent. And there is a great website available to feature it all as it happens. Check out and often for the latest details on this exciting February fest of song, dance, art, film, poetry and more.

Owen Sound Music has a fantastic and always up-to-date Facebook page as well. Stay tuned in by clicking here.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Top Facebook Fanpages in Grey-Bruce

One of the best websites in the region (aside from, of course) is without a doubt “Explore the Bruce” by Bruce County Tourism. Eye-catching, easy to navigate and loaded with info for the visitor and resident alike, I’ve often credited the team on the Bruce for a job very well done.

Now “Explore the Bruce” is citing its own online faves. At least, when it comes to social media and Facebook. The talented Gem Webb has put together a list of the top 30 Facebook fanpages in Grey-Bruce. And I have to say, is very honoured to have made the list! These are pages that are regularly kept fresh with up-to-date and relevant local information.

Check out Gem’s recommendations here.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Retro in Your Pop Can

While shopping at Zehrs recently, something caught my eye that forced me into a tailspin of 80’s nostalgia. Pepsi has reintroduced its line of Throwback with the old logo in tact and real sugar recipe.

For the past few decades, high fructose corn syrup has served as Pepsi’s sweetener. But don’t let that fool you. Throwback actually has 10mg less sodium and 1g less in the sugar department when compared to today’s version of Pepsi.

Turns out the return to retro was issued in 2009, supposedly for a limited time. However, sales have been so good that Pepsi has released at least two more batches since and plans to keep going as long as it keeps selling.

The taste is slightly sweeter but very much Pepsi nonetheless. Personally, picking up a case of 12 with the old logo was good enough reason for me.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What are you? A 2-year-old?!

I guess it takes becoming a parent to truly rekindle that sense of amazement over the small and silly stuff. For example, when you first glance at the adjacent photo, do you wonder why the author of this blog would bother uploading a photo of murky dishwater? Why even take a picture of such a mundane subject in the first place?! Truth be told, it isn’t every day that you find a bear paw print in your kitchen sink! (At this point, you either look more closely and exclaim, ‘oh yeah!’ or roll your eyes and stop reading.)

But seriously… Not to imply that one needs to have kids to relive those early years of simple and literal observations. It’s just that young kids in the house better enable the ‘inner child’ within to come out of hibernation, stay and play a while. Guilty as charged… My wife and I watch cartoons and kids’ programs more frequently now that our daughter has discovered the invention of the television. Of course, we need to supervise her! Then there’s Harrison Park, which stands as one of our favourite local outings. These days, we look forward to feeding the ducks and wandering around the playgrounds almost as much as she does. Just wait until she’s ready for school. It’s been a long time since I’ve engaged in arts and crafts, not to mention fundraising bake sales!

Many of us look for ways to get back in touch with who we were once upon a long ago. Funny how in the midst of tedious adult responsibility, that reality hit me in a lukewarm mess of soapsuds! Caught yourself recently playing with a farm animal play set for toddlers 3 and up or enjoying a colourful pop-up book on potty training? I’d be anxious to hear other parents dare to tell their own occasional encounters with their ‘inner kid’.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Is 2011 the year to be #1???

From the 'this is simply strange' file...

This year we will experience 4 unusual dates:


Now go figure this out... Take the last two digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year. Add them up and it will equal 111!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Attack Take Stand on Bullying

They may be a menace on the ice, but when it comes to safety and fairness in our schools, they won't stand for rough play.

A race for a Midwest division title has not stopped the Owen Sound Attack in their race to end bullying in Grey-Bruce schools. Bullying has become a hot button topic in area schools the past few years and the Attack are there to lend a hand to area teachers to try and shut-out bullying.

The team has paid a visit to eleven schools so far this season, stretching as far out as Ripley and Mildmay-Carrick. With a little more than two months left in the season, the Attack still have 13 schools on the list. This is the third season the Attack players have visited the schools with their message, and each year the list of schools requesting visits increases.

Check out the rest of the Attack's home games this season by visiting our events page here.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Childhood Heaven In A Mug

If something good can be said for the chill of winter, it’s the chance to warm up afterwards with a cup of hot chocolate. Recently while thawing out, I thought I’d put a little more work into my chocolatey creation just for old time’s sake. Instead of boiling the kettle and digging out a pre-made packet, I heated up some milk on the stove for a good old-fashioned cup of Cocoa. The nostalgia was worth every drop. And Fry’s is still the unbeatable brand.

Try the following and I promise there’s no going back…

Blend 1 tbsp. Cocoa, 1 tbsp. cold milk & 1 tbsp. white sugar (or 2 if your sweet tooth insists) in a mug. Add 1 cup of hot milk (water… NEVER!!). Stir, and if you really want to top it off with perfection, add marshmallows and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Good enough to drink with a spoon like a decadent dessert!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


As we enter 2011, I brace myself as usual for a fresh start. This time around, I’m slightly altering the terminology when it comes to my ‘to do’ list. Instead of calling them ‘New Year’s resolutions’, I’m opting for the broader sounding ‘2011 resolutions’ in an effort to condition my thinking to a more long-term approach to change. Sure, it may sound like an unnecessary and trivial word adjustment. But I’ve come to realize that the mind (or mine at least) has a knack for building beliefs, habits and justifications around simple word meanings. I just wouldn’t want to trick myself into thinking that resolutions could only happen at the beginning of the year.

So just what are my areas of focus from now until December 31st? For a change, I’m actually keeping the thoughts simpler but the actions more demanding. There is a great little book by Richard Carlson called, “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff… and it’s all small stuff” that I am attempting to incorporate into daily living. Carlson does a brief write-up on 100 different techniques that one can use to keep molehills from becoming mountains. The chapter names pretty much spell out the message… Make Peace with Imperfection; Be Aware of the Snowball Effect of Your Thinking; Remind Yourself that When You Die, Your “In Basket” Won’t Be Empty; Learn to Live in the Present Moment; Create “Patience Practice Periods”; Smile at Strangers, Look into Their Eyes, and Say Hello; Become a Less Aggressive Driver; and so on and so forth.

Having a different thought or suggested action item to focus on each day is a good way to get the ball rolling. I hope you are rejuvenated and ready for a fresh start in 2011 also.

Happy New Year!!