Having grown up on the rugged East Coast, I’m all for an outdoor adventure every now and then. Let’s just say I learned a thing or two about the outdoors over the weekend in a section of Balmy Beach where some might fear to tread. We decided to take a family hike to Indian Falls.
Despite the efforts of the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority to protect and maintain this natural wonder of the wilderness, hiking the trail to view the cascade is a lesson in careful calculation. The flat rocks that dominate the pathway and protruding tree roots have you watching your step more often than not. There are also sections where water from the river running parallel has spilled onto the trail. Some may find that guessing where the trail has suddenly veered off is a frustration. They might view the steep drop-offs after climbing the tricky hill as fearsome and treacherous. Others might welcome the challenge of the great outdoors.
We were somewhere in between. Our toddler of a daughter was ambitious though she needed a lot of parental guidance and handholding. The dog was obviously thrilled to explore. The parents were cautious but forged ahead knowing that the lookout at the Falls would be worth the sometimes rough terrain along the way.
Yes, it was worth it. There was no close-to-dried-up trickle as reported at some of the local waterfall spots in recent years. Indian Falls was a healthy flow and the photo op was fantastic. For those who haven’t yet seen some of Grey County’s hidden-in-the-bush treasures, this one is a place to start. Just proceed with care during the hike.
Next time, we plan to take the trail behind the Owen Sound Transportation Visitor Centre in Springmount to catch a glimpse of Jones Falls.